Former Cadet Leader Simon Taplin Jailed for Historic Child Sexual Abuse

Simon Taplin, a former cadet leader from Lavant, has been imprisoned for four and a half years after being found guilty of historic sexual offences against two young girls. 

An initial investigation was launched about former cadet leader, Simon Taplin, in September 2020, after a report came in from a third party to Sussex Police disclosing that Simon Taplin had sexually abused a woman as a child.

As a leader of the cadets, Simon Taplin abused his position of power to subject his victim to sexual abuse. 

Simon Taplin first abused his victim who cannot be named for legal reasons in 1996, when she was in her teens. Over the next four years, the former cadet leader continued to abuse her. 

Another woman came forward in the investigation, declaring that she too was abused by Simon Taplin. When she was a teenager, the court heard how Simon Taplin had sexually abused her at a cadet event. 

Simon Taplin was sentenced to four and a half years in prison and will also be put on the Sex Offenders Register for life. 

Make A Claim for Cadet Sexual Abuse 

If you have been subject to cadet sexual abuse, we want you to know that you are not alone and we are here to help you get justice. At CICA, we are experienced in handling sensitive cases involving sexual abuse. 

Whether you want to make a claim for your own historic experience of cadet sexual abuse, or if you want to claim on behalf of your child, we can confidently lead you and hold your hand throughout the entire process. 

If you have any questions about cadet sexual abuse or any other form of sexual abuse, please get in touch with one of our dedicated solicitors on 0151 242 5111 or email us in complete confidence at 

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